Thursday, July 30, 2009

New Blog

I'll most likely just be using our other blog from now on...


Thursday, January 8, 2009

Now that the holidays are over...

Well...Merry Christmas and Happy New will continue to follow.
Now it's back to reality, reality consisting of Rexburg Idaho. Jordan and I came back late to tons of snow...yay. Going back the next day to work wasn't my most favorite thing, but I was excited that I would be able to work at the Alumni Center during my off-track semester. We had to put in an exception request to the president's office of BYU-Idaho, and as of two days was approved. Exciting! Other than living in my creepy, empty apartment for about a week before everyone returned for school, I enjoyed the time I was able to just relax and spend time with Jordan. I love the expectation of staying up at least until midnight, watching the ball drop, celebrating(maybe with a kiss :)...drinking sparkling drink of somesort. Well, we fell asleep at ten, woke up just in time to watch the ball drop, kissed :) , turned off the television, and fell back asleep. Not to mention the sparkling cranberry cider that is still in the fridge as we speak. All and all, I got my new years kiss with my Jordan. So back, back to work I go...I'm an 8 to 5 gal again...pulling in the big bucks, sort of . Now I just have to work on cooking! And not burning pork chops in the crock pot(don't ask).

There might be some important planning involved for my future life, but for now, I'm just going to take it one step at a time and let things happen when they are supposed to happen. No more stressing!

Friday, December 19, 2008

My Life At the Moment

I wish I had the pictures I took while I was in Denver for thanksgiving, but these will have to do. I guess I'll have pictures from Thanksgiving and Christmas in Denver on here :)

My Jordan-We were on our way back to Rexburg after conference weekend in Salt Lake.

Kate and me on Halloween-taking a break from parties. We looked so cute!

Jordan and me dressed up for Halloween...I'm a lucky girl to have Edward Cullen as my boyfriend! Jordan looked so handsome :) I recommend the white-on-white look.

Christmas Time

Even though I am still stuck here in Rexburg Idaho, I find it easy to get into the holiday spirit. I mean, there hasn't really been any serious christmas shopping...but maybe that's a good thing for me and my bank account, yes? Speaking of bank accounts, it's sort of rough being a poor college student, especially around Christmas time. At least I am able to travel to Denver next week to spend time with my boyfriend Jordan and his family. I thought that I had booked my flight at 9:15 a.m. on monday morning, but I had actually booked it for 9:15 at night...dumb me! I was so frustrated with myself and spent 2 hours on the phone with Delta airlines trying to switch my flight. Apparently, they charge an arm and a leg, 150 dollars to be exact, to just switch my flight time. I guess I'm missing a day in denver...sad day! I have to admit that it is a little bit weird not traveling home for Christmas though, but I am so excited to be with Jordan! It will be nice being around a big family again. All I have to say is that it will be a great Christmas :)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


What a lucky girl I am! My lovely boyfriend called me at 7:50 a.m. on a Saturday(not too early unless it's your only day to sleep in...) to ask if I want to go on a hike. How could I say no? It was probably the only beautiful Saturday left before all the snow and gloominess was to come. By the way where is all the snow...?

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Relationships the 7-week Break can Make

Allison Kay Hazard-
Probably one of the nicest, sweetest, happiest people you will ever meet. I swear she never stops smiling :) or laughing for that matter... I know that she has made me smile through quite a few hard things... and laughed even more with me when something exciting would happen. I think we spent just about every day over our break together. We have a great thing in common: photography!! Our first love! We also enjoy the occasional sacrament ice cream cone/french fry run...yum! We also have what are known to be a ridge boys haha... the guys of apartment 912. The break wouldn't of been the same without them and we bonded like no other! We realized tonight that we missed each other and that no matter what we will always have our photography trips!

Friday, September 19, 2008